If you want to leave the web page with a white background, you can just leave this step out.
If you want to change it, follow these steps.
Go to Edit in the menu bar, and click on Document Options again (or use the button). You will be working in the Appearance tab.
2. Set the colour of the background
Click on the Color button to the right, under Background. You can now select a colour for the background of your page. Click OK when you have chosen it, to see what it would look like.
3. Using an image as background
Sometimes you may wish to use an image as a background. Be careful doing this, because it can make your web pages too busy to be legible.
Open Document Options again, and this time click on the button that says Set.... image under the Background section.
This will bring up a navigation window, and you can find the image you want to use as your background. Select it, and then click Open, and then OK. If you don't like the effect, go back to Appearance in Document Options, and click Remove to get rid of the image.
4. Setting text colour and link colours
To select your text colour, open Document Options again, click on the Appearance tab, and select options down the left of the window under Text Color.
Text is the colour your text will be on the page.
Normal link is the colour text will turn when you link it to something. It is usually blue, but you can change it to another colour if you prefer.
Visited link is the colour the linked text will turn when you have visited it once. It is often a good idea to keep it the same colour as the normal link if you are doing a site for our intranet, because a lot of different people use our computers.
Your site will be visited by people using many different computers, and they will not all have the same fonts installed. It is a good idea to stick with fonts on this list, because they will be on every computer.
You select the font by going Style - Font in the menu bar, and sliding up and down to select the one you want.
You can resize the fonts by selecting the bit of writing you want, and clicking on the text size buttons.
small a- will make the selecting font smaller, and the big
a+ will make it bigger.
You can also change the colour of fonts on your page by using the font colour button along the top of the page. Select the text you want to change, and then click this button to choose a new colour.
8. Aligning text to left, middle, or right
You can have the text against the left margin, centred, or against the right margin. Use the alignment buttons shown below to move the text. If your cursor is in a piece of writing, that is the piece that will move. To move all the writing on the page, you will have to select it all first.