7 Ingredients for Cooking Up a Great Letter
Let's see what all the different things are on a typical letter. Here's a letter I got from the folks at WGBH who made this web site.

imagemap with 3 hotspots

picture of a letter

number 1 The date. When did they write the letter?

number2 This is how we start a letter. My name is here, because they were writing to me.

number 3 Here's the letter. This is what they wanted to say to me.

number 4 Here's some more of it. They left a space then wrote this bit, as they changed what they were talking about. Macaroons!

number 5 They're getting ready to say good-bye.

number 6 They signed their name. Remember to put your name on letters you send.

number 7 P.S. is short for "Oops-we-forgot-to-say-this-too." The Brain says it's from Latin. Whatever.