The German people are very keen on music, and many famous musicians came from Germany. Perhaps you could listen to some of Beethoven's music. He lived hundreds of years ago, but his music is still played today. You could invite Miss Currie's recorder group to come and play you his "Ode to Joy" if you like! Beethoven wrote beautiful music, but he was nearly totally deaf by the time he died, and he could not hear what his music sounded like. He could just imagine it inside his head. |
Above this to the right, you can see the inside of one of the famous theatres in Munich. Imagine going to a concert or to listen to the opera in a theatre like that!
This wonderful painting is by Hans-Jorg Holubitschka, a young German painter. |
This painting is by Stefan Muller. |
This is a painting of a tiger by Franz Marc, a German artist. |
This is another of his paintings. It is called Yellow Cow. |