The Diamond Story - part 1

About150 to 300 kilometres under the earth's surface, are small amounts of black carbon. Around 2.5 billion years ago the heat and pressure was strong enough to turn the carbon into diamond. Then a very small part of the newly formed diamonds were, quite luckily, pushed upward near the earth's surface through volcanic eruption. The forming of carbon, and its changing into diamond could take hundreds of years. The 300 kilometre journey to the surface of the earth happened in a matter of hours during an eruption. Then millions of years passed before the diamonds were found or mined.

The last known occasion in which diamonds came to the surface was about 40 million years ago in E. Africa. The youngest diamonds known are 1 million years old and many are over 3 million years old. It is unknown how much carbon has been turned to Diamond deep down in the center of the earth but its pretty certain that a very small percent of it was lucky enough to be brought up by a volcanic eruption. The small amount that is brought up is in little pieces, and each piece has approximately 5 tons of dirt & rock around it. All volcanic eruption do not necessarily bring up diamonds, as only 1 % of all the volcanic eruptions are actually found to be economical for producing diamonds.