"Board them," you roar to your crew. They jump on to the pirate ship from the rails, scurry across the planks set between the ships, and swing across on to the deck from high above in your ship's rigging.
As you land on the rocking deck of the pirate ship you are suddenly surprised at the unending stream of pirates. They seem to be coming from everywhere. Quickly you realize that you and your crew are vastly outnumbered.
Your cutlass swings from left to right as one after another unlucky pirate falls to your blade. But the battle is long and soon your arms are aching and your breath comes in short rasping gasps.
Looking up at the battle deck you can see the imposing image of Beheader, the pirate captain, roaring in laughter at the slaughter taking place beneath his feet.
"I'll take that smirk off your face if only I can reach you," you think to yourself while desperately fending off one after another pirate.
Beheader, surveying the scene, sees you hacking and cleaving his pirate crew beneath him. Then you realize he is staring directly at you. Glaring back at him, the smile on his face changes to rage as he draws his cutlass. Jumping down from the deck he advances toward you hewing unmercifully both your crew and his own men in his mad attempt to reach you.
You turn to face Beheader and immediately your swords clash together. For what seems like an eternity the two of you hammer away at each other fiercely. But the long battle has taken its toll on your aching body. Soon it's all you can do just to defend yourself from his hacking blows. In exhaustion you fall to your knees barely able to hold off his unmerciful attack. The last thing you remember is the flash of his cold eyes and the whine of his steel sword as it plummets toward your. . .