News Team Roles : Reporter

This person has the role of finding out about the impact of a volcanic eruption on people's lives. They should look at the effect of other eruptions in the past, and also consider the possible good and bad effects of this eruption. The reporter should work closely with the main experts, and with the anchor person.

The reporter has to have a list of questions to ask each of the three experts, the volcanologist, the civil defence, and the geologist. That means you need to understand exactly what each one of these will be needing to say.

The reporter also needs to find out how people behave in an eruption, and what people do when they are frightened. Then you need to make up a skit to film (the photographer will do the actual filming). You should also work with the anchor person and the photographer to decide what to film in order to show the actual eruption. Use your imagination!

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