This page was constructed by Tanny Web Publishing , and written/researched by Andrea McCurdy and Mark Stokes.
And Where Did All Of This Information Come
The Book
The information on this page was
derived primarily from the book "Lost Moon - the Perilous Voyage of
Apollo 13" by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger. Our thanks to both
authors for a very well-written book and a tremendous source of
information. Copyright 1994 by Jim Lovell and Jeffrey Kluger, All
Rights Reserved. To find a copy of this book, go to The Library of
Congress and look up the ISBN number: 0-395-67029-2, or pick up a
copy at your local bookstore or community library. The quote in the
book regarding the Apollo 13 movie appears on page 85.
The Movie
"Apollo 13" is a Ron Howard Film
and a Brian Grazer production. Presented by Imagine Entertainment and
a Universal Picture, the film stars Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill
Paxton, Gary Sinise and Ed Harris. Screenplay by William Broyles Jr.
and Al Reinert. Directed by Ron Howard. The film is rated PG.
There are, obviously, many
references here to NASA people, information resources, divisions,
projects and programs. Our thanks to all who have contributed to the
information contained on this page.
Unless otherwise noted the
images on this page were provided by NASA.
Rocket Image: "Black Brandt Launch" located at:
Aircraft Carrier Jet Image: "North American YF-107A" located at:
Bride Image: "Me On My Wedding Day" by: Adriana located at:
Early Naval Carreer Image: "A Vought A-7E Corsair" located at:
After NASA Image: "Spaceships!" by Nicholas Frenay located at:
Eclipse of the Moon Image: from the Clementine Project Moon Image Archive, located at:
This page and all of its contents are copyright 1995 by Andrea
McCurdy and Mark Stokes. Full due credit is given to all people and
organizations providing information sources. This page is intended
for free, open and independent World Wide Web use and entertainment
by and for Internet surfers everywhere. No profit or any form of
compensation has, is or will be derived by Andrea McCurdy and Mark
Stokes from the creation and use of this page. Users have been
provided with information to contact all information sources to
request more information or to purchase source products from