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Try finding pages on this site by typing in words that describe your interest.After you click the "Launch Searchbot" button, the search robot will return with a list of all the pages that contain the words you typed in.

Search for:


You can instruct the Searchbot to be more precise about what it brings back from it's search. It may be that you want to find out if there were signs of extra-terrestrial life on Saturn. If you just typed...

aliens Saturn would return with all the pages that mention 'Saturn' and all the pages that mention 'aliens'.

If you want the Searchbot to return with only a list of the pages that contain the word SATURN and the word ALIENS in the same page, then just put an AND between the two words when you type them in. For example, typing...

aliens and Saturn
...finds pages containing both 'aliens' and 'Saturn', but not pages with only the word 'Saturn' in them.

Other special instructions to use are OR, NOT,* and parentheses. NOT will return a page only if the Searchbot doesn't find the word in it. Sounds crazy, but if you were too scared to read about aliens and wanted to know about Saturn, you would type...

Saturn not aliens
...finds pages containing 'Saturn' but not 'aliens'

Saturn and (visitors not aliens)
...finds pages containing 'Saturn', plus 'visitors' but not 'aliens'

aliens or Saturn
...finds pages containing 'aliens' or 'Saturn'

...finds pages containing words starting with 'sat', such as Saturn, satellite, satchel, and Saturday

Most web sites have their own Searchbot, or "Search Engine" as they're sometimes called, and you can usually control them in just the same way.