There are different parts to the race. The pre-start, where the boats get into place for crossing the start line, is very important. Boats can't sit still on the water behind the start line, and begin when the starting pistol is fired, they have to keep moving all the time, being as close to the start line when the pistol fires as they can, but without crossing the line before that time.
Then they have the different legs (a leg is a section of the race, from one marker buoy to another). Find out more about each section of the race by clicking on the links.
1. Pre
start 2. Tacking 3. Windward 4. Downwind 5. Leeward
FOLLOWUP 1. Can you draw a
diagram showing the entire race, with the direction the
boats take, and the direction of the wind? Then see if you
can draw where the sails would be on each leg of the race,
in order to catch the wind. Label the legs upwind and