Interviews by Floris Elementary Students Arthur, the Ant
Interview with Arthur
Ant Reid: Arthur, how many eggs does your wife produce? Arthur: My wife produces 100,000 to 300,000 eggs in twenty days.We have a lot of little troops running around the colony. Reid: Wow, that is a lot of eggs for such a small animal. Reid: So ,Arthur, when you're catching your prey, can you see it trying to escape? Arthur: Actually most of my colony is blind, so we have to use our sense of smell to know when to catch our prey. Reid: What exactly do you look like? Arthur: Well, my body starts off with my head,two antennae which are connected to my head.My trunk (not like an elephantís) is connected to the head and I have six legs.Finally I have a metesoma with a stinger at the end of my body. Reid: So Arthur can you tell us about your life cycle? Arthur: Well ,we live in colonies of about 10,000 to 7,000,000 ants.First, we start as an egg and I grow up to be an adult worker in the colony. We all work for the queen. Reid: So what is your daily
diet? Arthur: We feed on spiders, different insects, and some plants. Reid: Where are your colonies located? Arthur: Southern Mexico,
Brazil, and Peru. Arthur: No..... Reid: How can you survive with all of those predators? Arthur: Well, I donít
think you would want to get in my way. All of us have
stingers that can hurt our predators. We also live in big
colonies which makes it hard for something to hurt
us. Reid: Ow, I donít want
to get in your way Arthur: Well, in 20 days our queen can lay 100,000 eggs. Reid: Who takes care of all those eggs? Arthur: The workers make sure the eggs are not broken or smushed. Reid: What is your ìscientificî classification? Arthur: We are arthropods, about 1 inch long. Reid: How do you relate to the other insects that live near you? Arthur: All insects have 6 legs, and most of us are arthropods. Reid: Thatís a lot of insects out there . Reid: Are you guys easy to
find? Reid: Thanks Arthur, I better be heading out. Bye Arthur:
Bye |